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EUROPALCO launches a new format of hybrid events and turns distance into an advantage – The Meeting Pool Blog



EUROPALCO, the largest provider of solutions for events in Southern Europe, has launched STUDIO EUROPALCO, a new concept of hybrid events that mixes the best of the face-to-face and virtual formats using Virtual Reality (VR), Mixed Reality (MR) and Augmented Reality (AR). Its objective is to transform the distance into a benefit and get an exponential increase in audiences as a result.

Slowly, events are facing the return to face-to-face attendance, and this has brought on stage the relevance of contact and real interaction. The emotions and impressions of in-person meetings are incomparable with what can be experienced online. However, the current scenario does not have to exclude the great advantages that virtuality has been offering in these past years. Without going any further, audiovisual technology can be the best ally to facilitate and maximize the return of face-to-face events.

This is how the Portuguese company has considered it. In line with its attitude of permanent innovation, EUROPALCO has united both digital and real worlds with the aim of offering its clients a new hybrid event format that presents endless possibilities, thanks to the development of creative concepts that turn distance into a feature in favor. EUROPALCO believes digital will not only continue to play a key role in the events sector, but will also act as a real enhancer.

With STUDIO EUROPALCO, any event that takes place at the company’s headquarters in Sintra (Lisbon) can be broadcast directly to a larger audience anywhere in the world. This way, by going beyond the restrictions of physical spaces, the total reach will no longer have limits.

EUROPALCO uses XR Technology, an option that includes all the actual forms of immersion and interaction: Virtual Reality (VR), Mixed Reality (MR) and Augmented Reality (AR). XR Technology combines camera tracking and real-time rendering of virtual scenarios with the display capabilities of LED video walls. The results are enveloping and immersive environments, filmed in the studio or directly on camera.

And for all this to be possible, EUROPALCO has adapted its internal structure and began with four studios completely dedicated to hybrids that are now concentrated in one due to the easing of restrictions, along with 8 workshop rooms, 12 dressing rooms, 2 lounges, 2 pantries and 4 make-up rooms. All spaces are air-conditioned and the studio has a private parking lot and a total area of 100 square meters.

“We created an offer that combines the best of the distance and the face-to-face world in view of our clients’ needs because we believe this new format of events is here to stay”, says Pedro Magalhães, founder and CEO of EUROPALCO. “It even allows us to have an answer to what happens today when a live meeting is held and the participants ask what are its virtual options as well”, he adds.

Magalhães continues: “Hybrid events are the evolution of events. They are not a combination of pre-recorded sessions with others broadcast live, but a merge of the best features of face-to-face events and virtuality and digital technology”.

And due to its perfect assembly of face-to-face and online formats, one of the main consequences that hybrids will bring is the radical and exponential increase in audiences. “This is really one of the great advantages that digital events will bring to future hybrids. It will be unthinkable for a participant not to be able to attend an event in the place he wants and at the time he desires”, concludes Magalhães.

CONTACT:  Ignacio Fossati


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